Conformational Ensemble

This module defines a class for handling ensembles of conformations.

class Ensemble(title='Unknown')[source]

A class for analysis of arbitrary conformational ensembles.

Indexing (e.g. ens[0]) returns a Conformation instance that points to a coordinate set in the ensemble. Slicing (e.g. ens[0:10]) returns an Ensemble instance that contains a copy of the subset of conformations (coordinate sets).

Instantiate with a title or a Atomic instance. All coordinate sets from atomic instances will be added to the ensemble.


Add coordinate set(s) to the ensemble. coords must be a Numpy array with suitable data type, shape and dimensionality, or an object with getCoordsets() method.


Delete a coordinate set from the ensemble.


Return associated/selected atoms.


Return conformation at given index.


Return a copy of reference coordinates for selected atoms.


Return a copy of coordinate set(s) at given indices, which may be an integer, a list of integers or None. None returns all coordinate sets. For reference coordinates, use getCoordinates() method.


Return deviations from reference coordinates for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of superpose() or iterpose() methods prior to calculating deviations.


Return mean square fluctuations (MSFs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of superpose() or iterpose() methods prior to MSF calculation.


Return root mean square deviations (RMSDs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of superpose() or iterpose() methods prior to RMSD calculation.


Return root mean square fluctuations (RMSFs) for selected atoms. Conformations can be aligned using one of superpose() or iterpose() methods prior to RMSF calculation.


Return title of the ensemble.


Return a copy of weights of selected atoms.


Iterate over coordinate sets. A copy of each coordinate set for selected atoms is returned. Reference coordinates are not included.


Iteratively superpose the ensemble until convergence. Initially, all conformations are aligned with the reference coordinates. Then mean coordinates are calculated, and are set as the new reference coordinates. This is repeated until reference coordinates do not change. This is determined by the value of RMSD between the new and old reference coordinates. Note that at the end of the iterative procedure the reference coordinate set will be average of conformations in the ensemble.

Parameters:rmsd (float) – change in reference coordinates to determine convergence, default is 0.0001 Å RMSD

Return number of atoms.


Return number of conformations.


Return number of conformations.


Return number of selected atoms. Number of all atoms will be returned if a selection is not made. A subset of atoms can be selected by passing a selection to setAtoms().


Set atoms or specify a selection of atoms to be considered in calculations and coordinate requests. When a selection is set, corresponding subset of coordinates will be considered in, for example, alignments and RMSD calculations. Setting atoms also allows some functions to access atomic data when needed. For example, Ensemble and Conformation instances become suitable arguments for writePDB(). Passing None as atoms argument will deselect atoms.


Set coords as the ensemble reference coordinate set. coords may be an array with suitable data type, shape, and dimensionality, or an object with getCoords() method.


Set title of the ensemble.


Set atomic weights.


Superpose the ensemble onto the reference coordinates.

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